Community Athletic Solutions

CAS Soccer Stars with Groton Soccer Club Registration


Welcome to the CAS Soccer Stars with Groton Soccer Club Registration!


Log in/create an account to view and register.


Program description:

Get ready for some Soccer Adventures! Whether to the zoo, launching into outer space, wrangling the slippery pigs on the farm or battling the terrible trolls we will camouflage the educational process of soccer skill building behind these "silly" games. Embedded into these Soccer Adventures are all of the building blocks of creating a well rounded soccer player with a twist... a major focus on our players wanting to keep coming back. Let's be honest with ourselves, the best intentioned teacher or coach can only advance the education of our kids in any subject if the KIDS WANT TO BE THERE!

So yes for our little players to play along and win the adventure they needed to:  Dribble, Pass, Shoot, Control the ball all while gaining a better understanding of listening, communication, teamwork and most importantly have FUN.


Sessions will be on Saturday mornings.


Please bring:

-Size 3 soccer ball (we will have extras)

-Clothing to run and play in


-Soccer cleats are optional/ sneakers



This registration will allow you to provide contact information, sign consents and submit payment.  Please read through each page carefully to ensure that all information is provided accurately.  To complete registration through our secure site, please have your Visa, MasterCard, or Discover account information available.

Please log in or create an account to view and register.

Important Notes:

  • You will be able to register for more than one option during this registration session!
  • You will be able to register multiple times for this same registration session and select different options at that time.

CAS Inquiries

Phone: 860 984 9624